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2011-05-04 16:51:27
Last author: kians mummy
Owner: kians mummy
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please can all people print out this leaflet and give this to all the kids you see, as many as you can, we are trying to get elf12 busy

people who are taking part:
team leader [kians mummy]






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2011-05-05 [Mystin]: I didn't know you were a spelling genius and I see nothing wrong with her description. >.<

2011-05-05 [Paul Doyle]: Now that's one site that should have been permanently put out of its misery and shut down, long ago. If you can somehow revive that place and make it a vibrant place people actually WANT to be on, then you'll have me in awe. To be quite frank, that place needs to be started over from scratch because it went from being a fun place with potential to a boring/dead place, to becoming a stinking-ugly and utterly repellent place for anyone to be on. But even if a miracle does happen, I'll not resume my former roles there. I have long since moved on. Again, if you can pull a miracle I will eat my words in public.

2011-05-05 [kians mummy]: [Sagacious Turkey] - note i have told you to stop talking on my wikis [Mystin] was a witness to this and you was also told my a guard so please leave my wikis


[Paul Doyle]

thats what i amn trying to do, revive it, and give it a fresh start, but i need the power to do so, but i will probably never get it lol,

[Mystin] thanks hun

2011-05-05 [Mystin]: I wish you the best of luck in everything you do! ^_^

2011-05-05 [hanhepi]: well, technically [Mystin] "there" is spelled right, but it is the wrong one for the context. "submit their art" etc. would be the right "their" for the job there. the ones that are in it, they're wrong. explains how all 3 are used. :P

2011-05-05 [kians mummy]: ok

2011-05-05 [Alexi Ice]: We talked about starting it from scratch long ago...

2011-05-05 [kians mummy]: But it still hasn't happened yet.

2011-05-05 [nehirwen]: We actually had a huge revamp last year.

2011-05-05 [kians mummy]: Well it didn't work lol.

2011-05-05 [nehirwen]: You don't know, but it was a mess before. It's definitely an improvement. <.<

2011-05-05 [kians mummy]: Yes it may be an improvement, but hasn't brought any new members to join.

2011-05-05 [hanhepi]: my kids are alllllmost good enough at typing to join, but they'd only boost traffic once a week for 30 minutes.

2011-05-06 [Lothuriel]: I will be honest. I stalk a lot of wikis. I usually don't comment but, for this one I could not keep quiet. Elf12 started out as a wonderful idea of [Lerune]'s. At first my daughter LOVED it. There were some things that happened on that sight that I am not sure if I should mention but, I will say that I will not allow my children back on that site unless there are some serious changes in power and programming.  

2011-05-06 [Susie-Q]: I like the concept and admire what (i believe) you're tryinf to accomplish. But are there really that many children who are familiar with elftown to join the page? I hope it all goes well and you have my support.

2011-05-06 [Alexi Ice]: The problem is that children are more into social networking sites now-a-days. We did do a fairly large re-vamping though. And there has been a shift in power, Loth ^^ but I'm not 100 % sure I know what you are referring too...

Also, as a note, IDK if it is different where you are but here in America it's kind of frowned upon to give children leaflet's to websites...

2011-05-06 [Lothuriel]: I had a poster in my office at work for both Elftown and Elf 12. Clients (mostly celebrities) would inquire about them but, apparently none of them ever joined :[

2011-05-06 [nehirwen]: Indeed, the frowned upon part is mainly the reason we didn't make leaflets when we thought about it before.

Too bad they didn't join Loth! :(

2011-05-06 [kians mummy]: [hanhepi] thats better than nothing

[Lothuriel] then keep trying, you go to the people

2011-05-06 [Paul Doyle]: While I was on the Elf12 staff I made several mentions about leaflets, bulletin board postings and so on, but was shot down seemingly out of spite, more than anything else, and the issue was not explored again. Somewhere, I still have a copy of a sample real-life bulletin board posting that I scanned and linked on the Elf12 crew forum, but complied and kept the sample to myself when it was rejected. The brainstorming session I hoped to generate (to hopefully come up with a workable solution that did not jeopardize the safety of the children and their parents, but nevertheless publicized Elf12 in a major way)never happened. It was around that time when I realized Elf12 was becoming a toxic place to be, and I gradually stopped wasting time and energy there. Though I scrambled my account (and my son's account, for similar concerns to [Lothuriel]) I can still peer in from the outside from time to time, and can't help but laugh at a few things. The latest contest is from April 2010, and many of the pages that really ought to be visible from the outside, are not. And then there all of those questionable, sometime inappropriate "revenue-generating" ads. But most telling of all, the current Grand Mog's status is exactly the same as it was when I left. It reads: "(doesn't want to do official work stuff today. :P)"

This is more than a year now! What's going on there? (Not that I really care, mind you, but it kind of goes without saying that a leaderless site is doomed to fail.)

Anyway, if anyone's interested (not likely) I'll find the DIY advertising idea that got was shot down, seemingly along with the very idea of advertising to outsiders, period.

2011-05-06 [kians mummy]: [Paul Doyle] thanks, and yes i would like to see it, as we need lots of ideas

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